The need for foreign language curriculum in Schools is increasing in popularity with educators as they experience the longterm benefits of teaching a foreign language to their elementary and middle school students. LA CLASE DIVERTIDA is a forerunners as well as having become one of the frontrunning leaders in this "niche" area of education. 

LA CLASE DIVERTIDA's Spanish Language Curriculum has a vital presence in both public and private schools for these recent 20....+years and is being utilized as either a core curriculum or supplementary enrichment program, with LCD'S use depending upon the needs of the individual school and the foreign language goals they establish for their students. LA CLASE DIVERTIDA SPANISH LANGUAGE CURRICULUM also has a GREAT deal of EXPERIENCE and SUCCESS in helping both public and private schools who are seeking to implement a foreign language program for the FIRST TIME with their younger students. 

OUR goal is to come alongside the Administrator/Educator as an administrative/educator/encourager with both the confidence and the curriculum they need to succeed in this wise endeavor! Please view La Clase Divertida sample videos at LCD'S Online Front Page Level 1 Curriculum; For Frequently Asked Questions on how to implement La Clase Divertida Spanish Language Curriculum please visit FAQ at the top of LCD's Front HomePage near: About US.  Thank you very much for your interest in La Clase Divertida Spanish Language Curriculum and/or Thanks very much for your purchases of La Clase Divertida Spanish Language Curriculum!!!!+  Blessings to you and yours!!!!+