LCD Educational Sponsorship
LCD Educational Sponsorship
Price: $2,000.00



Thank you for your interest in and purchase of La Clase Divertida Spanish Language Curriculum Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 Streamline version Educator Sets for $2,00000, each education sponsorship set.  The La Clase Divertida Elementary Age Spanish Language Curriculum is near 29 years old now, and has been sold world to individual families, private, public, and charter school educator systems.  For the L.C..D. education sponsorships to the local library systems, per each library, as requested by Education Sponsor &/Or L.C.D., for locally, nationally, and internationally, for each library, within the county, province, of that specific country etc., for a $2,000.00 education/sponsorship purchase for each set of :  L.C.D.'s Level 1, & 2, Spanish Langauge Elementary Age CurriculumStreamline, that L.C.D. will include/education sponsorship ourselves, the L.C.D. Level 3 Spanish Language Elementary Age Curriculum Streamline, in order for each library to have a complete set of the L.C.D. Elementary Age Spanish Language Curriculum to have for the families to "check-out' to study in the privacy of their homes with their families, or of course, any educator/encourager that peruses the Elementary Age area of their local library location.  Each L.C.D. Spanish Language Elementary Age Curriculum Level is for an entire "school-year" amount of time for the study of the Spanish Language.  A Pre-Organized Study Plan is included in each L.C.D. Spanish Language Elementary Age Curriculum set.  Because of the proven myriad of years of accomplishment of the Above-Aforementioned L.C.D.'s client's usage and their in-depth acquisition of the Spanish Languge because of their utilization of the L.C.D. Spanish Language Elementary Age Curriculum, and that L.C.D. is going to donate the Above-Aforementioned L.C.D. Level 3, that we believe, and hope that you will agree that the $2,000.00 education/sponsorship price of this LCD Spanish Language Curriculum Streamline, that we are excited to implement now, especially being in our near 29 years of co-owning and Great Ministering/Works, from YAH/GOD THE LORD ALMIGHTY, that this is an even Greater time to begin to reasonably "share" the ability to study the Spanish Language in this way, with the L.C.D. Spanish Language Elementary Age Curriculum;  This of course, is also from within the personal context of our, Dale Gamache, and I, his wife, Robin Holmes Gamache's,  now near 47+ years Of/In Our Family Marriage of course, Of/In our YAH/GOD THE LORD ALMIGHTY's WORDS/Word(s) HIS:  Caring/Kindness/Wise/Happy/Jubilee/ COVENANT Family marriage, that we believe and do/behave in HIS Ways/Truth/Life,  that THE LORD Is Inspirationing/Intrepretationing for us, even with the L.C.D. Spanish Language Curriculum, Above-Aforementioned, to even now encourage educator's as HIS Greater Ministering(s)/Greater Work(s): Samaritan care for others, Excitedly/Happily/Thankfully/Humbly/Gladly, etc.: without any harm involved in the learning,etc.:  This is the Prospering/Protectioning/Provisioning/Prophecying(s) Plan Above-Aforementioned:  to provide all educators/within each the context of each True Family Specific, whether within the homeschool environment, or at the public, private,  education facilities, can now have more accessibility to a myriad of Spanish Language Curriculum, that can Now include La Clase Divertida, with your help alongside La Clase Divertida that we can provide the Above-Aforementioned education with these beautiful, In/Of YAH/GOD THE LORD ALMIGHTY/THE LORD, the LCD Elementary Age Spanish Language Curriculum Streamline Set purchase(s) for $2,000.00 each./education sponsorship(s). that are TAX DEDUCTIBLE.  These Above-Aforementioned L.C.D. education sponsorships, allows L.C.D./ us this Blessings of Opportunities to now donate, on an extremely large scale, the Above Aforementioned L.C.D. Spanish Language Curriculum product via Blessings from each family's specific purchase(s)/ education sponsorship(s) from you and in your name, that will be included in each set, if you prefer, with advertisement for your family's business(es).  We have been told by  a myriad of professionals, private citizens, etc. that the knowledge of the Spanish Language has become even more relevant in our society these days, and therefore L.C.D., absolutely believes that this is a specific situation that can provide that opportunity for each and every educator that enjoy's their local library system's resources.  The informative description of each individual above aforementioned 3 levels of the L.C.D. Spanish Langauge Programs are Now on the Homepage of this LCD Spanish Language Curriculum’s Online Store, under the title "Products", in reference to each individual L.C.D. Elementary Age Spanish Language Curriculum Level.   Have a Great day/Blessings.☺.